Saturday, September 5, 2015

Where NOT to buy a house

For many of us our house is the biggest asset and also our biggest risk.

Some really good advice we heard on real estate is this:

When you buy a house think about the resale possibilities first.

So, where should you never buy a house?

Floodplain or ocean front (unless you can bear the financial risk)

High forest fire risk (this one has been ignored a lot lately in the west)

Fronting a busy four lane, or a two lane likely to become a four lane

Anywhere near an airport

Anywhere near an industrial area, or the truck route to such an area

Close to a college, or close to an apartment complex for college students

On a street where school buses run to load or unload

Backing up to an interstate or busy four lane

Downwind from a “factory farm”  (this is getting tougher in some areas)

In most areas there are still plenty of places to live, but you should be careful about the site selection. Your house is an investment!

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